Secure XML Traffic on Cloud Connector

Secure XML Traffic on Cloud Connector Securing your XML Traffic is crucial. Many organizations rely on security and using encryption is important. Best practice for any deployments in recent years is to secure the traffic between components, and Cloud Connector is no exception. There’s a KB by Citrix for it but requires more manual interaction: […]

‘DF_Device_adPassword’ Database Error During PVS Upgrade from 2203 to 2402 LTSR​

‘DF_Device_adPassword’ Database Error During PVS Upgrade from 2203 CU3 and CU5 to 2402 LTSR Recently, while upgrading a customer’s PVS environment from 2203 CU3 to 2402 Long Term Service Release (LTSR), I faced a database error that halted the process. The same error was also observed when upgrading from 2203 CU5 to 2402 LTSR. Error […]


Just another PVS copy tool I had been searching for a while for a replacement for the classic Robocopy script, which simplifies the replication of vDisks across various stores. This is exactly why the following tool was created: PVSCopyToolGotCool You can download the script on GitHub. PVSCopyToolGotCool· BalintOberrauch/Citrix ( Key Facts/Features: Universally applicable, eliminating the […]